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金钱: 4205 RMB

24K纯金MacBook Air

硬件改造网站Computer Choppers网站近日完成了他们的最新作品,一台拥有24K纯金外壳的MacBook Air。

这台超薄笔记本的外壳从原本的铝材质换成了全部手工打造的24K纯金,甚至键盘也是一颗颗的“小金块”,而屏幕背后的苹果Logo镶嵌了各种颜色的蓝宝石(没错,Sapphire刚玉除了红色叫做红宝石外其他各种颜色都称为蓝宝石)。 作者对首次的金版MacBook Air并不太满意,他感觉宝石的质地不够纯净,因此立即准备开工打造第二台。不过现在这一台已经准备寄往著名的时尚杂志《Vogue》,准备登上版面一举嫁入豪门了。


  Major minor details.
The brilliance of multi-touch.
MacBook Air includes an oversize trackpad with multi-touch technology. You can pinch, swipe, or rotate to zoom in on text, advance through a photo album, or adjust an image. This gesture-based input so successful on iPhone and iPod touch now comes to MacBook.
A smart LED display.
The backlit LED display allows for an even thinner build. It provides instant full-screen brightness the moment you open MacBook Air. The mercury- and arsenic-free display is also more power efficient, which translates to longer battery life.
Thin is in the details.
The innovative now-you-see-it, now-you-don’t port hatch flips down to reveal (and closes to hide) all the ports you really need: a USB 2.0 port, a headphone jack, and a micro-DVI port that supports DVI, VGA, composite, and S-video output. Even the MagSafe power connection has been reconsidered and slimmed to fit MacBook Air.
    src="/macbookair/images/index_videooverlayposter20070807.jpg" Flip-down door.
    The innovative port hatch flips down for access.
So thin yet so expansive.
MacBook Air comes with a way-more-than-generous 2GB of RAM built in — ample memory for working with your favorite applications. The 80GB hard drive provides plenty of storage space. And you have the option to upgrade to a 64GB solid-state drive, which has no moving parts for enhanced durability.1
Micro. Chip.
MacBook Air performance is as impressive as its form, thanks to its 1.6GHz or 1.8GHz Intel Core 2 Duo processor. This chip was custom-built to fit within the compact dimensions of MacBook Air.
Built-in iSight camera.
Unlike most other ultraportable notebooks, MacBook Air includes a built-in iSight camera. It’s so smartly integrated, you hardly notice it’s there. The iSight camera and iChat software make video chatting easy anywhere there’s a wireless network.2
The battery is slimmer.
The performance isn’t.The MacBook Air battery is our thinnest ever, yet it doesn’t compromise power. You can access the web wirelessly for five full hours.3

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张大鹏(张大鹏IBM)QQ:719096237  电话:13940254667
顶端 Posted: 2008-04-24 17:18 | [楼 主]
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