题材:售后/常见问题 知识编号:33082
SYMPTOM: 问题描述 The Memory Test in PC-Doctor for Rescue and Recovery fails with the message "internal error" with 4GB or more memory installed during the test.
使用RNR中PCDOCTOR测试带有等于或大于4GB内存的系统可能会提示 “internal error(内部错误)”的报错信息.
PROBLEM ISOLATION AIDS: 问题范围 - The above symptom may occur on the following systems:
ThinkStation: Type S10: 6423, 6483
ThinkStation: Type D10: 6427, 6493
- The system’s memory configurations is 4GB or more.
FIX: 解决方案 PC-Doctor for DOS can be used to test the system memory with 4GB or more. The customer can download an ISO image with PC-Doctor for DOS from
http://www/lenovo.com and create a bootable CD from that image. DOS版本的PC-DCOTOR可以测试配有等于或大于4GB的系统.客户可以从联想网站上下载DOS版本的PC-DOCTOR的ISO镜像,可用此镜像做成可启动的CD.
http://www-307.ibm.com/pc/support/site.wss/document.do?sitestyle=lenovo&lndocid=MIGR-69612 LIMITATION: 局限性 The memory test in Rescue and Recovery cannot test configurations with more than 4GB RAM.