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Thinkpad XP系统的进程管理!

【分享】系统相关进程解析@IBM ThinkPad
  在使用IBM THINKPAD原装系统时觉得系统进程太多影响机器速度,下面就列出了IBM常见软件进程,可以参考对比删除一下不必要的进程来释放一些系统资源:
  1、S3tray2,对应的是s3tray2.exe,S3 Video card task tray utility. Not specifically required for Windows to operate.看来可以不启用。
  5、BMMLREF,对应的是thinkpad\utilities\bmmlref.exe, Related to IBM Thinkpad Power Management Utility。我想可有可无吧。
  6、TPMAPHELPER,对应的是thinkpad\utilities\tpkmapap.exe –helper,可能是IBM的keyboard Customizer Utility(定制键盘设置)的帮助信息。我想可以不启用吧。
  7、tp4ex.exe TP4EX 3 Adds accessibility options for an IBM TrackPoint ,我想可以保留,特别是不外接常规鼠标时;
  8、EZEJMNAP,对应的是thinkpad\utilities\ezejmnap.exe,好像是EasyEject Utility(关闭连接的设备以便拆卸),For IBM Thinkpad Notebooks. Quote: "The IBM ThinkPad EasyEject Utility makes removing multiple devices from your computer faster and easier by enabling you to stop more than one device at once, rather than stopping each device individually". Available via Start -> Programs。那我想平时可以不启用。
  10、AGRSMMSG,对应的是AGRSMMSG.exe,IBM AMR modem driver,Modem software from Agere.com。我想可以平时不启用了。
  12、ATIMODEChange,对应的是ati2mdxx.exe,System Tray icon to access ATI graphics card settings and the Hydravision Desktop Manager。我想平时可以不启用。
  13、tgcmd,This part ensures the software is installed correctly (similar to an installation wizard) as reported by Cox.可以不启用。应该可以直接删除此项。
  16、ibmmessages,是IBM的信使中心,Allows IBM to push messages onto users' computers. Quote: "The Access IBM Message Center can display messages to inform you about software and solutions available from IBM as well as messages from IBM eSupport"。完全可以不需要启动。
  17、UpdateManager,对应的是common files\sonic\update manager\sgtray.exe,StorageGuard from Veritas. Free utility that integrates with Backup MyPC (formerly Backup Exec Desktop), Simple Backup and MS Backup. Provides system tray access and background monitoring - warning you of files that haven't recently been backed up. Required unless you backup manually on a regular basis or have scheduled backups。应该是启用了IBM快速备份功能的需要保留,若没有启用就不需要了。
  18、dla,对应system32\dla\tfswctrl.exe,Drive letter access to HP's and Veritas' version of DirectCD. Does the same thing as DirectCD. From HP - "This is a needed file as it controles the readability of the Combo drives. Without this file loading the end user will be able to burn CD's but wont be able to read them. The drive itself will be able to read store bought master Cd's without the file but not burnt ones"。特别是有combo的应该启动。
  19、QCWLicon,对应thinkpad\connectUtilities\ACWLICON.ext,Used by IBM Thinkpad laptops with built-in wireless card (802.11). System Tray icon that provides a shortcut to "Wireless Connection Status" and allows to turn WL on and off。无线上网所需的,平时可以不启用,需要时再启用了。
  22、IBM RecordNow,刻录软件,必须启用。当然平时可以不启用,需要刻录了再启用也行。

  修改开机加载项可以使用注册表:在开始里运行 regedit,找到
  分别修改里面的加载项。也可以使用别的软件,比如TuneUp Utilities、兔子等。

  1. 防病毒相关程序;2. 系统管理程序,如电源管理程序;3. 快捷键程序;4. 自己希望自动启动的程序;5. 怎么关也关闭不了的程序。

ATIPTA ATI Desktop Control Panel from ATI Technologies, Inc. Located in "C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel\". 一般不需要

Ati2mdxx.exe For ATI video cards. System Tray access to display mode changing, 一般不需要

AGRSMMSG agrsmmsg.exe is the SoftModem Messaging Applet for your AMR modem. 一般不需要

VBluetoothAuthenticationAgent Associated with a Bluetooth adapter. 一般不需要

BMMGAG Displays a battery gauge icon in the Taskbar (not the System Tray). Provides shortcuts to IBM's proprietary power saving settings and to a battery information window. 建议保留

BMMLREF Battery Manager for IBM ThinkPad laptops 建议保留

JBMMMONWND IBM Battery Information 一般不需要

EXSHOW95.EXE Support software for some of the Kensington mice. Provides access to extra features like those available with enhanced Logitech and MS devices 一般不需要

QCWLIcon Used by IBM Thinkpad laptops with built-in wireless card (802.11). System Tray icon that provides a shortcut to "Wireless Connection Status" and allows to turn WL on and off 一般不需要

cS3TRAY2 S3 display configuration taskbar utility for S3 chipset based graphics cards. Can be run from Start-> Settings -> Control Panel -> Display 一般不需要

EZEJMNAP ezejmnap.exe is component of the ThinkPad EasyEject Utility,It manages to devices connected to your ThinkPad and makes it easier to disconnect multiple devices from your system. 一般不需要

SynTPEnh syntpenh.exe is a process installed alongside the Synaptics TouchPad for laptop computer touchpads. Provides additional configurations and support, and is essential on some machines for the functioning of this input device. 一般不需要

SynTPLpr Syntplpr.exe is called Synaptics touchpad driver helper, it is a TouchPad Driver Helper Application that is essential for touchpad to work properly. 一般不需要

TP4EX tp4ex.exe is a process from IBM providing accessibility options for an IBM TrackPoint. 一般不需要

TPHKMGR It allows the configuration of the FN keys your IBM Thinkpad laptop. 一般不需要

TPHOTKEY (TPHKMGR) Activates "ThinkPad Help" when the "Thinkpad key" is pressed on an IBM ThinkPad laptop. Also activates the audio buttons (volume up/down, mute) on models such as the Thinkpad T30 建议保留

TPKMAPHELPER IBM ThinkPad Help process 一般不需要

TpShocks Responsible for controlling the IBM Hard Drive Active Protection system found on newer models of IBM Thinkpads, including T41, T42, X40, R50, and R51. 建议保留

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张大鹏(张大鹏IBM)QQ:719096237  电话:13940254667
顶端 Posted:2008-09-02 08:59 | [楼 主]

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